Sunday 16 December 2012

Five Things This Week

It's pretty much impossible to get a photo where one of us isn't pulling a stupid face or blinking... Photo by SilvaVex Photography

1. Kev's radio podcast thing

I keep meaning to post this, but Kev started recording some of his radio shows and now they're up on Mixcloud here.

I had this sitting on my myspace profile back in the day...I'm going to go kick myself for using the phrase "back in the day" now.

2. Writhe and Shine

So way back when I was a wee little Baby Bat (circa 2005ish), I joined my first profile site (I suspect this might even have been *just* before I joined myspace) and that was Net Goth, home of Goth Map. Somewhere in their links section (now horribly out of date...I notice that their most recent mailing list addition was Killing Miranda's Fan Club Thing, Killing Miranda split up in 2007...Mind you bar those of us who've recently had an influx of spyware link spam via The Dominion mailing list, who even uses mailing lists any more?), sorry I got a bit side tracked, I blame lack of sleep.
Somewhere in their links section I found Writhe and Shine.
Back then I just found it kind of amusing, amused that everything mentioned was exaggerated and giggled at the "Appopenant" one (the website was down for a few years, but  Robert is in the process of re-uploading everything, alongside his new project Overcast with a chance of Doom! which you should also check out as it's shaping up rather awesomely thus far).
Fast forward seven years and I realise that not as much is exaggerated as I first thought!
When I first met Kev we had a similar moment to "Appopenant", I've met people eerily like Demona (I keep being suggested one of them as "similar to me" on Twitter, I keep feeling quite insulted and not going on Twitter for a while) and well the whole story arc involving Sven's brother? Rings scarily true (though nobody ended up in a coma in my irl version).

Les adieux à la reine 

3. Les adieux à la reine / Farewell my Queen

There are a lot of films about Marie Antoinette, but so many of them seem to pick a few rumours about her and ignore a bunch, which makes sense I suppose but the rumours about her relationship with  La duchesse Gabrielle de Polignac.
This film does not, but it is approached in a mature, and lovely way rather than just being a bit porn-y like some.


4. I finally have all of my Christmas shopping done!

5. 12/12/12
What a beautiful date :)

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